Tired Of The Inner Mental Chaos? Learn To Shift From Mental Chaos To Stillness In Your Inner Reality
Tired Of The Inner Mental Chaos? I Hear You.
Finding the peace within yourself is no easy feat, I get it! And, in this world of uncertainty and unpredictability your willingness to be brave can support you in a BIG way, inviting you to face your anxiety in the fear of the unknown. How would you love to decide who you’re going to be when the what if’s are swirling in your thoughts. Once you become aware that the experiences of your world are here for you, you become a student of your reality and can choose to listen and grow from what previously has been perceived as an obstacle. Would you love to learn to lean into and befriend that anxious, frenetic, chaotic mind chatter — because it is your greatest teacher, healer, and guide to help you find the calm within throughout your journey. It is your invitation to find the strength that awakens in your stillness, and the power of the calm that is waiting within you, waiting to be discovered.
What Got Me Here: Your External Life Circumstances Bring You Into The Experiences Your Soul Needs You To Have
Have you done life like me, hard and fast, pushing and forcing your way through? Have you held your breath, clenched your jaw and furrowed your brow. Have you manipulated, lied and cheated; all in an effort to prove that you’re good enough to be accepted by others. I have preformed for love in more ways than I can count.
Are you Willing to Recruit Your External Life Circumstances To Inform Your Inner Environment and Upgrade Your Beliefs that will Change Your Reality?
Are you willing to consider that all of what you have experience has served you in my desperate need to be right, in my limited view points saturated in judgement, criticism and blame. The former version of me supported and held me firmly in the survivor mentality I was operating in. I prided myself as a survivor. I could handle A LOT, I was a victim after all. Can you relate?
And inside my behaviors were breaking my spirit, my thoughts were hardening me in all the ways a women needn’t ever be hardened. I had a wall of protection building a cell around my heart. I entertained plenty of dysfunctional stories which I played over and over to support the hurricane proof structures and impenetrable walls I erected in other places too. I didn’t feel alive unless I was running wildly toward or away from something or someone usually at the same time with a victimization narrative to help keep up my rigorous pace.
It took time to realize that this was killing me, not so softly.
The [Mind] Shift: Choosing To Dig Your Own Well And Getting Up Again, And Again
I have since created the time and energy, borrowed, earned and spent the money required, all in pursuit of breaking free from the bitter belief that I was broken. For me it took reading, meditating, studying, practicing, sleeping, weeping, screaming, sometimes bleeding, wedding and divorcing, birthing, losing, winning, laughing, miscarrying, drinking too much, falling down, getting up, drowning in a pool of hopeless self pity in order to course correct and learn to dig my way out and through to the terrifying unknown again and again. I had to be willing to hang in the tension in the eternal now, where nothing seems familiar and all is uncomfortable. All of this in order to be able to truly believe in me enough to act courageously enough, to come to know that I am enough. Because of my willingness to be brave enough I now thrive in stillness, experience pleasure in silence, enjoy not needing to be right, and I smile A LOT and love, infinitely love in true and miraculous ways. Are you ready to dig your own well and get up as many times as it takes to learn to love in ways you have only imagined are possible? I am here and prepared to teach you to choose to be courageous enough so you can begin to see that there is so much more to life just beyond your familiar comforts. I don’t know everything and the best part about that is that I now know that I don’t need to know everything in order to guide myself and you through the sticky parts of life and be able to identify where your perception is limiting you from having the experiences you want to be having. From here so much space and freedom are available to you all in support of you thriving.
Where are you on your journey? Success, happiness, and peace are available to you in every. single. moment. Enlightenment is not an end result but a experience you have, like any other experience you choose. Know dear one that you are not “wrong” or “failing” when you fall, you are not “bad” when you find yourself in the same limiting patterns— keep leaning into the discomfort, the patterns, and ask, “What is it I need to see here? Show me what I need to see.” and then listen and expect to be informed by universal intelligence.
You are on your unique path, have faith your intuition, enjoy your journey moment by moment, begin choosing the experience you want to be having. Decide who you are going to be in moments that are uncomfortable and unfamiliar. When you’re not in reaction to the experience, you can conjure the tools within you to lift yourself up, rise and step fully into the greatest expression of yourself.