
the gift of judgement


Whenever you experience yourself judging yourself or another, or you are experiencing yourself perceiving that you’re being judged by another, please remember this:

a.) You are a powerful creator responsible to yourself for the experience you want to be having.

b.) You are not a victim to another’s words, choices or actions unless you are choosing to be.

c.) It’s highly unlikely that we, during this human experience, will reach a stage where we are no longer judging or perceiving ourselves is being judged.

I believe it’s unlikely because it’s happening therefore there must be some importance in it for us.

I also believe the most creative and healthy approach we can be in the face our judgements and the judgements of others is to equip ourselves. I have been and continue to work on learning ways to show up for myself while practicing this process, which I am about to share with you, is making a profound difference in the way I experience my reality when I am in what I call the judgement loop.


Guys, this is why I believe meditation is such an important practice... if you haven’t got a meditation practice already I encourage you to start one now.

Here is an 11 minute meditation (that I call a fifteen minute meditation …lol) you can access for free.

Learning ways to be with yourself in the face of anything is one of the most powerful and important acts of self-love that you create for yourself. Meditation is one way I have learned that really supports my ability to shift my focus in a way that is in support of me having the experiences I want to be having.


A Four Step Process I am Practicing…


First, as soon as I become aware that I am judging myself or another I pause immediately, usually accompanied by a long exhale to lovingly create some spaciousness in my body and my mind.

Secondly I shift all of my focus to getting myself present: a neutral space of coherence. Meaning I do what I know to do to dissipate any of the charge I may be having in relation/reaction to the judgment(s) so I can accurately acknowledge the experience I am having and move through any shame and guilt that I may be causing myself. Remember the way out is through so wherever you are in your journey, do what is working for you to effectively and efficiently move through your emotions. Begin here according to your current stage of spiritual and emotional development to create some space for yourself within the loop of judgment for yourself.

Thirdly, once I have successfully achieved a state of presence awareness I ask for divine guidance (I share ways to ask below) and for the fourth step I open myself up to receive the message containing the wisdom to support me setting myself free.

I believe there is empowering wisdom available to us when we choose to witness and process judgement of any type.


{a side note to consider: The experience you interpret as what is happening “out there”, in the world as you see it, is a reflection of your own inner state of being; the way you are perceiving life through your lens is unique to your own inner reality filled with your history and the stories you have created to make it all make sense. The work you do within changes the way your world appears out there. This work included.}


Ways to ask for the wisdom

Ask, whatever you deem as the all providing source of your internal eternal wisdom whether it is God, Source, Creator, The Field of Energy, The Universe, All That Is, to be shown what you need to know to see it in a healthy supportive way. Expect the answer.

The answer will come through you or to you in divine timing.

Increasing your belief and faith that you are always supported in your efforts to free yourself from reacting to judgments in a way that is keeping you in the conditioning of victim mentality. Your ability to open yourself up to receiving your own wisdom is a powerful practice.

Now I hope you too can consider that judgement has a gift for you and as you begin this practice of showing up for yourself know that you are encouraging and strengthening yourself in such a beautiful honoring way.

Expect miracles.



PS {another side note to consider: your judgements about another and what you glean from them are for you not the other…another’s judgements about you are for them…how you perceive them is for you.}

Jessica Rueger